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Nidra Sidhu, M.D. Integrative Medicine

What To Do If Your Dog Ate Delta 8 THC?

Dog looking at delta 8 THC tincture with potential medical condition

Delta 8 is a naturally occurring psychoactive compound in the cannabis plant. It has gained much traction in the cannabis industry since becoming federally legal, and users consume delta 8 for many reasons.

Delta 8 has therapeutic effects in humans; many use it for stress and pain reduction and to improve their general well-being.

While delta 8’s benefits may sound appealing to dog owners, is it safe for dogs? Can I give my dog delta 8 THC to (for example) calm him down during a thunderstorm? Unfortunately, the answer is no; delta 8 can be harmful to dogs and even other pets. 

What if my dog eats from my delta 8 THC stash by accident? What do I do then? 

This article will guide you on how you can help your dog if such an accident happens.

Can Dogs Eat Delta 8 Gummies?

Unfortunately, the short answer is no. While there are many pet CBD products on the market, they're formulated differently than human CBD. Delta 8 in particular has not been studied with regard to its potential health benefits for animals, and even if it were beneficial it could be difficult to ensure accurate dosage without risking side effects like dizziness and vomiting.

Moreover, just because humans can safely consume a product doesn't mean that pets can too; animals have unique metabolisms that make it ill-advised to share food or supplements with them. For their safety, the best option is to consult a veterinarian and stick with products specifically designed for canine use.

Why Is Delta 8 THC Harmful To Dogs?

While there is no scientific research to support specifically delta 8 gummies for dogs being harmful to dogs, there is sufficient research showing that cannabis or delta 9 is harmful to dogs. Since delta 8 and delta 9 have similar effects, we can conclude that delta 8 may be harmful to dogs too.

Why Is Delta 9 Harmful To Dogs?

A Canadian research paper indicates that the endocannabinoid system in dogs has more cannabinoid receptors than humans, specifically in their brains, making them more sensitive to the psychoactive compounds of the cannabis plant. This means that when a dog consumes even a small amount of delta 9 THC, there will be intense intoxicating effects that can be dangerous to the animal.

Symptoms Of Delta 8 THC Ingestion In Dogs

Depending on the amount of THC that your dog consumed, you can expect to see some of these symptoms:

Should your furry friend get hold of your delta 8 chocolate edibles, the consequences can range from mild discomfort to severe issues and, in some cases, death.

What To Do If Your Dog Ate Delta 8 THC By Accident?

While you may try as much as possible to prevent your dog from getting into your delta 8 goodies, accidents sometimes happen, and your dog might end up eating your delta 8 edibles. 

Let's look at how you can help your dog if something like this happens.

Check The Ingredients Of The Edibles

Some of the other ingredients in edibles may be harmful to dogs on their own. For instance, artificial sweeteners like xylitol are harmful to dogs. Also, if the edibles contain chocolate, it might end up causing more harm since chocolate is highly harmful to dogs. 

Administer A Dosage Of CBD 

CBD is known to be a THC inhibitor; it works by blocking THC from binding with the cannabinoid receptors located in the brain, which will reduce the psychoactive effects on your dog.

Monitor Your Dog

Most of the time, the dog will sleep the effects off, which means your dog didn’t consume too much of your delta 8 THC edibles for dogs. Monitor your dog closely while checking his vitals to see if there are any serious symptoms that might require you to take further action.

Take Your Dog To The Vet

An overdose of delta 8 might have no fatal results on your dog, but there have been instances where dogs have died from consuming THC. If you know your dog consumed a lot of delta 8 or even if you are unsure of how much was ingested, take the animal to your veterinarian if you are highly concerned.

The vet will assess the symptoms and, if necessary, give your dog some IV fluids to prevent dehydration and medication to aid in full recovery.

Delta North

Is CBD Safe For Dogs?

While delta 8 or THC might be unsafe for your dog, hemp-derived CBD products might be a safer option for helping your dog relax. 

Often, our furry friends get anxious from loud noises like thunderstorms, fireworks, traffic noises, or even around visitors. In these cases, giving your dog small doses of CBD to ease anxiety is safe.

CBD doesn’t have the THC component that causes intense and harmful psychoactive effects in dogs, which means it can help them relax and improve their general well-being.

To learn more about CBD from hemp and cannabis plants, read our article on the difference between delta 8 and CBD.

What Is The Best Way To Prevent Your Dog From Consuming Delta 8 THC?

For most pet owners, the best way is to hide your stash from your dog's reach!

Keep your delta 8 edibles locked in medicine cabinets or store them on higher shelves where your dog can’t reach them. This will protect your dog and keep it safe from consuming delta 8 products that might harm it.

Disclaimer: Always speak with your doctor regarding the intoxicating or psychoactive effects of Delta 8 THC. You should always consult with a vet before giving CBD to your dog. Contact animal poison control for emergencies. 

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Clayton McCall

Clayton is a Senior Content Specialist, researcher, and holistic healthcare practitioner. Having been in the supplement industry for more than 15 years, Clayton brings a wealth of experience to the delta 8 space. His publications include alternative therapy, stress and coping, and alternative health.

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