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Delta 8 Vs. CBD – What’s The Difference?

Delta-8 vs. CBD primary illustration

So you are down at your local dispensary or scrolling through hemp products online.

You notice a bunch of repeating terms: CBD gummies, hemp, delta 8 online, delta 9, HHC

Yes, we admit it can be confusing. First, the CBD hype took over.

Then delta 9 from the cannabis Sativa plant became a hot topic. And now, we are face-to-face with a new player in the market—delta 8.

What differentiates one from the other, anyway? 

The good news is that we have all the answers you need. 

This article will cover the differences between delta 8 THC and CBD in terms of legality, effects, and strength.

We'll also explore the differences between delta 8 THC and weed within the cannabis industry and review safety concerns. 

With this comprehensive guide, you'll learn all you need to know on "delta 8 vs. CBD" to make the best-informed choice while shopping. 

Delta North

What Is Delta 8 THC?

So, what is delta 8 THC? 

We're glad you asked. Well, delta 8 THC is a compound naturally found in the Sativa plant

If you aren't new to the space, you probably know that CBD is present in hemp plants. Learn about delta 8 vs hemp oil here. As popular as CBD has become, it isn't the only compound you'll find in these plants.

In fact, the cannabis plant contains over 400 different chemical compounds, including delta 8. 

Delta 8 THC Vs Delta 9 THC

Delta 8 THC is found in minimal traces in the hemp plant. But delta 9 and CBD can also be converted into delta 8 THC through certain chemical processes

Don't worry. We won't be going up the entire number scale. For now, these are the three musketeers of the hemp realm—delta 8 THC, delta 9 THC, and delta 10 THC. 

But how are they different from one another? And what are the differences between delta 8 and weed (delta 9 THC)? 

The significant difference lies in their molecular structure and the location of the carbon-carbon double bond. Due to this difference, each compound interacts differently with the receptors in your body.

And because of that, the high you experience from delta 8 THC will be a unique experience altogether. 

We'll explore more about delta 8 vs. CBD in the next section. 

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What Is Hemp-derived CBD?

These are some of the most common questions we get:

Is delta 8 THC CBD? And is delta 8 THC the same as CBD?

No, both these compounds may share some similarities, but they are distinctly different compounds that produce different effects

Remember how we mentioned before that the hemp plant contains hundreds of different chemical compounds?

Well, both delta 8 THC and CBD are different compounds, or naturally-occurring compounds, present in the hemp plant. 

Just imagine an egg. It contains both egg white and egg yolk. Essentially, both are different, though they come from the same egg. The same can be said about delta 8 and CBD.

They both come from the cannabis plant. But they aren't the same compound. 

You may also be wondering, "Does delta 8 THC have CBD in it?

The answer is yet again, a no. That's similar to asking if egg white consists of egg yolk, or vice versa. 

To sum it up, delta 8 THC is not CBD and does not contain CBD.

They're merely different compounds found in the same plant. 

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What Are The Differences Between CBD And Delta 8 THC?

To put it simply—delta 8 is a type of THC compound, while CBD isn't. Though they come from the same mother, these siblings have different behavioral characteristics.

And they look completely different. 

Delta 9 and delta 8 THC have very similar-looking molecular structures (you could think of them as twins). But CBD and delta 8 THC do not share much in common in terms of structure.

Hence, both compounds interact differently with the receptors in your body, producing varying effects. 

We'll explore the topic of CBD vs. delta 8 THC in a few aspects, including effects, strength, and legality. 

Benefits of Delta 8 THC Vs. CBD

Well, the benefits of delta 8 are not as widely known as it is a rather new player in the market. And researchers are still exploring its benefits to your body. 

Based on anecdotal evidence and personal reports, people have used delta 8 THC to help with:

Research investigating the effects of delta 8 THC on conditions is still ongoing. But the results seem promising thus far. 

Why CBD Is In The Media

CBD has received booming attention from the media, politicians, and scientists in recent years.


Because CBD is thought to help with several health issues. 

Since CBD isn't new to the scene, extensive research studies have investigated its benefits. Based on research, CBD may help with: 

There is currently one CBD product approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

It is a prescription CBD oil called Epidiolex.

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Effects of Delta 8 Vs. CBD

Now, onto the juiciest part of the article. What are the effects of delta 8 THC gummies

In general, the delta 8 THC high is an enjoyable, relaxing one.

The High From Delta 8 THC

The high is smoother and prolonged, commonly described as a 'functional' high rather than a 'I-can't-get-off-my-couch' high. 

Many people enjoy making delta 8 THC a part of their daily wellness routine, as it helps support a sense of calm.

It's the merry-go-round of the theme park—pleasant, smooth, and a ride you can get off anytime. 

This is different from a rollercoaster type of high you may experience with delta 9—a rapid and heavy-hitting high that can be a little overwhelming for rookies. 

But what's the high like for CBD vs. delta 8 THC? 

So, delta 8 THC is the merry-go-round, and delta 9 is the rollercoaster. 

CBD will be paying for entrance tickets and walking around the theme park without boarding any ride. Because it doesn't get you high—at all.

Does CBD Produce A High?

It does not produce any form of euphoric intoxication or psychoactive effect, and consuming it alone will not produce the same effects you get from THC products. 

Nonetheless, people still use CBD to help with promoting relaxation.

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Legality of Delta 8 THC Vs. CBD

The laws surrounding the use of delta 8 and CBD products can be confusing to navigate.

Though we wish everything were crystal clear, this isn't the case for laws governing the use of delta 8 THC and CBD products. 

What Legality Will Depend On

The legality of your delta 8 THC or CBD product will depend on a few factors:

So, is delta 8 legal

Yes, delta 8 THC is legal according to federal law on two conditions. But why is delta 8 legal? The product must be hemp-derived. And secondly, the product must contain less than 0.3% of delta 9 tetrahydrocannabinol. 

The Farm Bill 2018 was the turning point. It removed hemp from the Controlled Substances Act and legalized hemp products, as long as the content of delta 9 THC was less than 0.3%. 

Delta 9 was specifically mentioned largely due to its psychoactive effects, but not delta 8 THC. So this technically made delta 8 THC products legal, as long as those conditions were met.

Differences In State Laws

However, each state still gets to decide for itself if delta 8 THC is legal. 

Are there any differences between CBD and delta 8 THC in terms of the law? 

Well, the same concept applies. CBD is federally legal as long as it is hemp-derived and contains less than 0.3% of delta 9 THC. Delta 8 THC cannot come from cannabis plants. This includes CBD gummies, CBD oil, and other CBD products.

But this doesn't automatically make CBD legal in every state. Some states have banned CBD products altogether.

Meanwhile, other states like Texas allow the sale, transportation, and possession of hemp-derived CBD products that meet the mentioned conditions. 

In short, the legality of CBD and delta 8 THC products will depend on your state laws.

Hence, you should do research before purchasing any of these products to ensure you don't run into any trouble with the law. 

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Is CBD or Delta 8 THC Stronger? 

Well, it depends on what you're referring to. Let's start with the 'high' of delta 8 vs. CBD. In this case, delta 8 THC wins hands down.

Simply because CBD was never a contender, to begin with. It does not produce any euphoric or intoxicating effects. So in terms of strength, delta 8 THC is more likely to give you a high. 

But the effects you experience from a delta 8 THC product will also be affected by the method of delivery. Let's explore this further. 

Forms Of Delta 8 THC

Delta 8 THC comes in several forms as follows: 

Are there any differences between delta 8 and CBD in terms of consumption? 

CBD products also come in edibles, tinctures, oils, and vapes like delta 8 THC products.

But on top of that, you'll also find them in topical products, such as creams, balms, lotions, and ointments. 

Can You Combine Delta 8 and CBD?

The effects will differ from person to person, of course.

It may take some fiddling around to find the best quantity and method of delivery for both products. Ideally, you'll want their effects to peak at the same time.

So using a vape and edible at exactly the same time isn't optimal due to the different onset of action for each. 

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Conclusion - Delta 8 Vs. CBD

Now that you understand the differences between delta 8 and CBD oil, you can make a better purchasing decision.

But those are just two of the many products lining the scene. 

Delta 10 is another one you can consider.

But you may wish to learn more about the health benefits and effects of delta 8 vs. delta 10 before making a purchase. 

If you're looking for high-quality products with excellent brand transparency, look no further. The Delta 8 gummies wholesale or individual delta 8 gummies are a fantastic option. Our gummies come with a refreshing taste, not to mention they have been third-party lab tested for quality, and safety. You can have these delivered right to your door. 

Disclaimer: Always speak with your doctor regarding adverse events and the intoxicating effects or psychoactive effects of CBD oil or Delta 8 THC. You should always consult with a physician before taking both CBD or delta 8 with any prescription medications. Please contact your local poison control centers or emergency line for any medical emergency.

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Clayton McCall

Clayton is a Senior Content Specialist, researcher, and holistic healthcare practitioner. Having been in the supplement industry for more than 15 years, Clayton brings a wealth of experience to the delta 8 space. His publications include alternative therapy, stress and coping, and alternative health.

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